
Lightweight & powerful flagging/tagging system for mongoid

mongoid_flaggable Gem Version Code Climate Build Status

mongoid_flaggable is a lightweight and powerful way to add flags/tags (boolean values) to your mongoid models.


Install directly from rubygems:

gem install mongoid_flaggable

Or if you are using a Gemfile, place this in your Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid_flaggable'

Use cases

This gem was created to give developers an easy way to flag mongoid models with boolean values. Flags are well-suited for temporary boolean values that do not merit the overhead of an additional field on the model and in the database. This includes gradual feature rollouts (whitelisting certain users for experimental features) and temporary metadata useful for analytics. Flags are not well-suited for data you intend to persist on your documents long-term.

Configure a model to be flaggable

One line of code is needed to set up a model with mongoid_flaggable.

class Book
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Mongoid::Flaggable         # it's this one

Be sure to run rake db:mongoid:create_indexes after adding mongoid_flaggable to a model. This will create an index on the flag_array field it makes use of.

Basic usage

book = Book.create
book.flags                             #=> []
book.flags                             #=> ["out_of_print"]
book.flag?(:out_of_print)              #=> true
book.flag?(:florinese_translation)     #=> false
book.flags                             #=> []


Instance Methods

Add a flag to a specific model without saving


Add a flag to a specific model and save immediately


Remove a flag from a specific model without saving


Remove a flag from a specific model and save immediately


Clear all flags from a specific model without saving


Clear all flags from a specific model and save immediately


Get array of flags from a model - guaranteed to return an array or zero or more strings

book.flags   # => ["out_of_print"]

Test for the presence of a flag


Test for the presence of any of multiple flags

book.any_flags?(:out_of_print, :florinese_translation)

Test for the presence of all of multiple flags

book.all_flags?(:out_of_print, :florinese_translation)

Class Methods

Retrieve documents with a given flag


Retrieve documents with any of multiple flags

Book.by_any_flags(:out_of_print, :florinese_translation)

Retrieve documents with all of multiple flags

Book.by_all_flags(:out_of_print, :florinese_translation)

Get the number of documents with a given flag


Get the number of documents with all of multiple flags

Book.flag_count(:out_of_print, :florinese_translation)

Get an array of all the distinct flags in use on the collection


Add a flag to multiple documents matching given criteria

Book.bulk_add_flag!(:out_of_print, { => 20.years.ago})

Remove a flag from multiple documents matching given criteria

Book.bulk_remove_flag!(:out_of_print, {author_name: "William Goldman"})

Remove a flag from all documents


Get a sorted frequency hash of all flags used on a collection

Book.flag_frequency           #=> {"out_of_print" => 20, "florinese_translation" => 5}


  1. Fork it
  2. Make your changes
  3. Write/update tests. Run with rake.
  4. Issue a Pull Request


MIT. Go nuts.